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Stanza's Re-Applment To In-Game Staff!

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Stanza's Re-Applment To In-Game Staff! Empty Stanza's Re-Applment To In-Game Staff!

Post by Trey / Stanza Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:49 pm

Yes I understand that I was the person to create this application template if you have any questions on how everything works please
read this following link ( Enjoy!
Question #1. What is your name?

A : My Name Is Trey (My Last name will remain unknown for protection).

Question #2. What is your in-game username?

A : My In-game name is Stanza But, I also have 2 alts one (Confusion) And The other One (Trey).

Question #3. How old are you?

A : I was Born On on August 4, 2000 My year of birth is 15 years.

Question #4. What is your Country & Timezone?

A : I live in the United States and my timezone is in the Central Time Zone.

Question #5. What is your average time played per day?

A : Well, Many players will know this but I normally play around 4-12 hours a day. Call me a nerd or whatever i just enjoy playing with my friends and i also enjoy having fun with everyone on the server.

Question #6. When did you join Black barrage?

A : I joined the server on the 20th. If one doesn't believe me you can look at my account information --> This is my joined date (2015-08-20).

Question #7. Why do you think you deserve to be a staff member?

A : Why is the question indeed, Well I think that I would make a great fit for the black barrage team. I'm helpful to any players or staff member that needs assassinate. I'm only most than a normal player because of the fact that im only 15 years old so its not like I have a job to go to everyday. I also could bring some nice ideas to the team but i can't talk about that one because its already a question under the following. I feel like im a happy and joyful person to play and be around and I'm never able to say no to a fight or a dd (Dice duel).

Question #8. Have you been punished before? this also will include all punishments from jails to bans.

A : Yes, Like most other applications you lie about this question i will be truthful because have an UN-trusted staff is not the way to roll. So yes I've been muted a few times mainly because of spam and not spamming other server or anything of that sort. I mean messing around with players and talking in only one word at a time. Since I've played so long I've played on 3 different clients/sources of black barrage I've even told some staff members to mute me because of the fact that I was annoying and being disrespectful to some players.

Question #9. If you received this rank how many hours per day would you devote to Black barrage?

A : Like I said in the following question I don't care if I get promoted or not. I just here to have fun and help players that need it. I enjoy playing and having a staff rank does motivate me to push myself to get a few more hours. I mean I could put a lot more work and i will even the owner's of the server want me to do something then I will not hesitate to do that task that was provided.

Question #12. *Scenario* If someone was abusing a glitch or duping, what would you do?

A : Well, Since I was a moderator already on black barrage I was have some hands on expertise on this type of situation. The first thing that I would do is try to get proof because doing something without proof can cause a lot of problems within the server. Second would be to record it happen like I said you need proof but you always need to make sure so that you're not fausly jailing someone for something they had no idea was against the rules. Next step is to start talking to the account see if the players is doing something that he knows is wrong all you have to do is bring up the topic lightly then the player will know why your talking the way your talking. Second is to jail the account and if the player on the account trys to create a new account to try to complain at the player that has jailed/banned the easiest thing to do is to just ip-mute the player that way you can show Tyler the proof and the player will no longer get himself into trouble by talking to the staff member in a disrespectful way. Last would be to talk to Tyler I would tell Tyler the situation and I will let him know what happened while I was there and what is the main reasoning for all of this commotion. The rest is up to the owner of the server: Tyler to make the final dissension on weather the account will be deleted or ipbanned or banned.

Question #13. What are your hobbies or things you enjoy doing?

A : A lot of players and even Tyler knows that one of my hobbies is graphic designing. Well today I left my 4.6k graphic's team because I wanted to play the server more without any interruptions. So the reason was I waited to only make banners for Tyler and black barrage like in the next few days I should have a banner up for the new client icon. My other hobbies are reading I mean im not the type of kid to say that the books are better than the movies because everyone knows that shits a lie the movie is always the best. So yeah I've learned a lot from books that I've read in the past mostly about friendship and how bad things can happen. I also enjoy playing dhh rsps I mean I've been playing black barrage for over 3 weeks now and I'm still in love with it.

Question #14. Do you have any talents that would help Black-barrage?

A : Yes Since as I've said through the whole staff application that I'm a very creative person. I believe that i could bring new items to the table. I could create daily post on telling the server whats the new updates are and what all will be fixed and what all well not be fixed. I also said during the following question above this one is that I'm a graphic designer. I told you guys that I was going to make the server a new client.icon so that i server has a another creative touch. I'm a very smart person and i feel that everything has a reason for it being there.

Question #15. Do u speak any other languages?

A : Yes, When I was little my parents allowed me to take french classes or (francais) classes while in school. Since then from the age of 6 - 15 i know how to spell it well and I know how to talk to the french players and help them with problems.

Question #16. Do u have any past experience as a staff member?

A : Yes, As many of the players on the server know that I was the past moderator. Now the reasoning for my rank to be taken away was for a childish reason that shouldn't of been commented. We don't need to start on why I was demoted because it brings me to face my stupidity. I've been staff on a lot of servers. Not so much on the big server that you would kinda expect of but, I know how a lot of things are handled and I know how I should handle things as a staff in-game moderator (Player-Mod)

16/16 Questions Answered
-Sweg From Trey (Ex-Moderator).
Trey / Stanza
Trey / Stanza

Posts : 19
Points : 27
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Join date : 2015-08-20
Age : 23
Location : Y?

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Stanza's Re-Applment To In-Game Staff! Empty Re: Stanza's Re-Applment To In-Game Staff!

Post by Trey / Stanza Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Got Promoted!
Trey / Stanza
Trey / Stanza

Posts : 19
Points : 27
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2015-08-20
Age : 23
Location : Y?

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